Water Management


In Oklahoma, we go through periods of not enough water and then too much water. We have to be prepared to handle both situations. When there is not enough rain, drought conditions result in considerable losses to the environment, the economy and the safety of citizens. When there is an abundance of rain, these conditions also result in considerable losses in the same areas. To meet these challenges, we have to employ methods of water conservation and reuse during drought and storm water management during heavy rain events. Every improvement made, from the individual level to the state level will ensure the success and protection of Oklahoma resources, residents and resiliency.

water wise

We are asking residents to join us in becoming water wise. A community that is more informed and prepared will have a greater opportunity to rebound quickly from weather and climate-related events. Resilience is the ability to prevent a short-term hazard event from turning into a long-term community-wide disaster. It has been defined as “the ability of communities to rebound, positively adapt to, or thrive amidst changing conditions or challenges – including disasters and climate change – and maintain quality of life, healthy growth, durable systems, and conservation of resources for present and future generations.” Colorado Resiliency Framework 2015. 

Each of us plays an important role in protecting our water resources.

Learn more about water use at the Environmental Protection Agency's site, Water Sense. The goal is to help people understand the importance of water efficiency and take positive actions to reduce their water use – in their homes, outdoors, and at work.
WaterSense website

water facts

Water Facts

Oklahoma is underlain by 23 major groundwater basins. Groundwater is the prevalent source of water in the western half of the state. Oklahoma has approximately 167,600 miles of rivers/streams. Crop irrigation (41% of total use) is the number one use of water in Oklahoma; public water supply (32%) is second, followed distantly by livestock and aquaculture (12%).

The majority of the state's surface water (approximately 54 percent) is used for public water supply. Visit the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to learn more about water use  –Oklahoma Water Resources Board website

"Water as an Oklahoma resource may be termed as abundant, scarce or both, depending on the time, location and use. Droughts bring scarcity. Floods bring abundance. Quality and volume requirements raise questions and concerns about specific uses. Planning and management can improve consistency of water availability for a variety of uses. However, it is clear Oklahoma water is becoming increasingly valuable. Experts agree that the pressure on Oklahoma’s water supply may increase with population growth, environmental regulations and climate change, among other factors. With continuing competition among growing communities to secure their water supplies, and pressure from the rapidly growing urban complex in North Texas, options to conserve Oklahoma’s water resources are worthy of consideration." - Oklahoma Water Resources Board

Do you know how much water you use indoors a day? Use the USGS link to see how many gallons you or your household use daily.  Water government website

flood icon

Flood Concerns

The average annual amount of rainfall in the state is 36 inches. The average number of days with precipitation is 72. April, May and June account for 55% of all severe weather during a typical storm. In 2019, the rainfall in inches per month for April was 7.03 inches, May was 11.13 inches, and June was 7.94 inches. Approximately 30% of water from these rainfall events is runoff. 

Floods can have social, economic and environmental consequences. As most people are well aware, the immediate impacts of flooding include loss of human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, and loss of livestock. Infrastructure such as roads and bridges can be damaged or destroyed, this disruption impacts communities and individuals. In natural systems, floods play an important role in maintaining key ecosystem functions and biodiversity. However, for urban areas and areas modified by human activity, floods have a detrimental impact. 

The amount of runoff has increased due to urban development. Drainage calculations for new development require that post development runoff does not exceed pre development conditions. For existing homes, there are methods that can be used to mitigate runoff effects. 

Plans for new developments typically require formal drainage plans to verify they meet the requirements of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mustang (“Code”).  In most instances, owners are required to present engineered plans and calculations to prove the volume of storm water runoff remains at predevelopment levels during all phases of construction.   Chapter 50, Article III of the Code addresses this subject in detail. Our Drainage Policy (Ordinance 732) is also applicable to any new development.  A copy of this ordinance is available on the bottom of this page.

Oklahoma Proven

Approximately 30% of household water use is used for outdoor uses. Of the water that is used outdoors, between 80-90% is dedicated to maintaining lawns, gardens, and plants. As much as 50 percent of the water we use outdoors is lost due to wind, evaporation, and runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems. Water conservation can begin in the garden. By selecting the right plants, water used outside for gardening could decrease significantly. 

oklahoma proven

Oklahoma Proven is an Oklahoma State University program designed to help consumers select the best plants for Oklahoma gardens. The goal has been to select plants that are tolerant of the varied and difficult environmental conditions found throughout Oklahoma. The plant list provided will help match environmental conditions with suitable plants. Please visit their website to explore the plant list and to learn more. Plant selection can play a large role in the amount of water used in the garden. Oklahoma Proven Website

Supporting Documents

Mustang Ordinance - Drainage (2 MB)

OSU Guide to Water Smart Landscaping (12 MB)

OK Water Demand (792 KB)

Saving Water (7 MB)

Web Links




OSU Water Experts