Fitness Class Attendance Challenge

Join us March 1-27th as we have another fitness attendance challenge! Starting March 1st, every time you attend a fitness class here at the rec center, you can enter your name to win prizes! There will be a box located in the fitness room to drop your name into each time you take a class. Every Wednesday, we will give away prizes. This year we will be giving away gift cards to HTEAO and Tropical Smoothie Cafe! If you win a prize you will be contacted to pick up your prize at the Parks and Rec. desk. You do not need to be present to win and winners are also announced on our Fitness Facebook page. (Mustang Parks & Rec Fitness Members Only). Anyone eligible to attend a fitness class is eligible to enter. It is free to enter. Competition will end on Wed. March 27th at 10 am. Entries stay in the box all month long except the weekly winners. You do not need to register for this event.